I Really Don’t Care, Do U?
Biden said fuck your polls, fuck backstabbing Democratic lawmakers, fuck wealthy donors, and fuck the mainstream media. He is not stepping aside. Let's go!
Disregard this post.... nothing to see here
Should r/balatro ban X links?
Only Trump capable of class and dignity: Barron Trump shakes hands with Biden
Jesush Chrisht... you did it...
[ Removed by Reddit ]
Protesters chanting ‘no to Nazis’ block access to AfD party congress
Why didn't Beerus go to blue-haired Launch, who was already a Super Human God Super Human long before Goku or Bejita achieved their blue forms?
coaxed into reclaiming slurs
Schaudriges Spukmärchen
accidentally did this while messing around with some gold bars
Whattaya hear, whattaya say?
jesush fuckin' chrisht you stupid little shit-eating twat, ya ever hear of wiretaps?
Emotions about ARFID
Why do people feel the need to point out what a slow eater one is??
The Cabinet of President Matthew Patrick- what do you mean they're all just like him?
Adios, you fuckin' Yanks
what are you outlooks for your future with ARFID?
Amazing. He still refuses to break character after all these years.
How Do I Help My Gf?
Help me understand
does anyone else feel like they have a low stomach capacity?
How do ppl eat so fast?