Video games in prison?
Solicitor fees
Solicitors fees
I love the "side-effect" of these SARMS. I'm on my 4th week on Ostarine + Cardarine + LGD-4033 and its killed my libido and I love it. I have never been more at peace.
Black mamba venom
Test sus 300-deca 300- pin frequency?
Does this result warrent me being put on trt? Has anyone has similar results ?
How long for testosterone to kick in ?
Can anyone answer this ?
Can you go on trt as a pct after test cycle
On cycle
How fast do you pin yourself?
Daily Ask Anything: 2020-08-25
What's your current dose?
Test cyp and cardarine
My first blood test thoughts ? Low or no
Optimale uk
My testosterone test results, not sure what am looking at but apparently they are low . Sorry to put this on here but this is for trt and didnt get an answer from testosterone page, any help would be greatly appreciated
My hormone levels any help ? So basically ive done a testosterone test but i dont understand the results , apparently they are low any help would be appreciated. Thanks
2 cycles of rad140+ mk677 results
Best source for RAD-140
How to get testosterone in the uk ?
Testosterone e . In the uk