Gay sub reddit pages
Death rides a horse
How I felt growing up.
Morrissey - Everyday Is Like Sunday (1988)
How about this masterpiece?
Happy hump day.
Posting photos: cool or not cool?
Do I need a screen protector Kobo libra color?
11.22.63 - book or show first?
What do you wish you did more of when you were in your 20’s?
Ok, who had em?
The genius of Abrahams, Zucker, Zucker
What movie did you rewatch and think it was terrible this time around?
Watchable Gen x era movies?
How old were you when you first did marijuana /or smoked a cig?What were the circumstances?
Ready for spring
Quick hike break from work
Saturday night movie selected. 'The Great Silence'. What's on tap where you are?
Happy Monday everybody. Any guys into watches?
Who is the best physical comedians in sitcoms?
Thoughts on Bianca Censoring @ Grammys?
See the Turtle…
Do your kids say "you're moded"?
Top Secret! (1984)