Why don’t billionaires quit what they do and enjoy the rest of their life with the money they have?
What is something that instantly puts you in a good mood?
If you could combine any two animals to create a new species, what would you choose, and what would it be called?
What causes you the most regret?
If money wouldn't be a problem, where would you go in holiday tomorrow and why?
What would you do if you were invisible for a day?
What’s the best pick up line?
What to do to get out of depression?
What are some of life's most underrated pleasures?
What industry would you join if you were 18 years old today?
What is your favorite hobby? (different from work)
What's something surprisingly innocent that ended up being a huge turn-on for you?
Why do rich people still work?
If you could get a notification every time someone thought about you, would you want it on? Why or why not?
If you’ve been in a long term relationship but chose to never get married.. do you ever regret it and if so why?
How do you work with a co-founder who has different values, but is just as passionate?
Using No Code tool to build a solid MVP? What do you think.