How to wear pp thin hair
I'm seriously losing my fucking mind 😭
unusual baby name regret- should we change it?
How did your babies top front teeth come in?
Losing the love
WE’RE INDEPENDENTLY NAPPING! FINALLY! But like, now I’m sad about it 😭🤣
Did any of you lose interest in being social in pregnancy and postpartum?
Postpartum eyelashes
Starting to hear “mom needs to go away so baby knows she will come back”
Pregnancy and Doing Hair
Urine retention after C section/ Home with Foley catheter? Any similar stories?
Excited for baby growing up
If you’ve ’bounced back’ how?!
Celiac diagnosis in 2.5yr old
Is anyone else possessive over their baby?
Urgent question
How are you feeling about your postpartum body?
Feeling like a bad mum because I’m formula feeding my baby.
4 week old sleep schedule.
FTM, 2 month appointment tomorrow. Please ease my mind
No name for baby Boy
Update: My 9 day old baby is in the hospital with SVT.
Pregnancy loneliness?
you guys helped me name my dog, now I need to name my baby!