Non è un paese per giovani - Età media in Italia +2,4 anni in soli 10 anni: grandi città del Sud +3 anni, Genova quasi 50 anni di media, cresce meno a Parma, Bologna, Trieste
There should be an EU + CANZUK union
Has the CCP lost the Tianming? Does anyone know what are these omens she is referring to (earthquakes, winds, multiple suns)?
Xi Urges Officials to Stay Calm as US Raises Pressure on China
Country sizes including water area (according to international law) [OC]
We should not be trying to salvage ties with a hostile US when we have better friends closer at hand. This is the message that should be spread to support CANZUK:
Why is YouTube boosting anti-US, pro-Chinese communist propaganda?
While India Builds Statues, Is China Busy Building… Anything Else?
At which point is this gonna stop?
The moment of truth is here. But what has to be done and what are the obstacles to overcome so Europe can military deter Russia?
Petition For australia to Leave the American Sphere of control.
Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander languages as per the 2021 census (OC)
Commercial flights diverted as Chinese warships undertake apparent live-fire drill in sea between Australia and New Zealand
China's M1 money supply jumped from $67T in Dec 2024 to $112T in Jan 2025 because they changed how M1 is calculated
If Trump keeps being buddy with Putin, would it really be so unthinkable for the EU to strategically/economically ally with China, considering that they too start feeling perplex? Wouldn't it be better than being alone in the mid of two pressing forces, like an hot dog, eaten in 1 bite?
I see a lot of people panicking and I want to make something clear: Russia is not THE enemy, China is
Europe belongs to everyone, including americans and russians
What are your strongest arguments against this video's claims that a federal Europe is impossible?
This video outlines the reasons for which a federal Europe is practically unfeasible given its current national diversity. Given the wide variety of differing mother tounges and distinct cultures, it'll be impossible to create a pan-European nationality necessary for pan-European universal suffrage.
China's influence on EU, with US being more and more hostile.
Village in Altay, China (XINJIANG)
What deal is realistic for Ukraine?
Best Subscription to watch football
"Today in Paris we reaffirmed that Ukraine deserves peace through strength" - European Council President Antonio Costa
📈 Global Trade Dominance: U.S. vs. China (2000 & 2024)
Could Russia Actually Lose Kaliningrad?