Weird thing turned my wife on
Rant - bring back 6v6 2-2-2
My Boyfriend is Upset i won’t put him on the Mortgage.
If someone grabbed you out of your chair right now and said you have to give a one hour speech on any topic of your choice as long as it was informative and they would pay you $10,000, what would your speech be about?
Don't understand the hype about the Netherlands
Game Server Down EU?
Streamer Pxie alleges Destiny non consensually shared nudes of her and will be filing a civil suit
What can I say that hasn't already been said?
Let us guess your country. What is it known for?
AITAH for telling a plus size woman that I love being ‘skinny’?
Please put 6v6 back in unranked
This is Malibu - one of the wealthiest affluent places on the entire planet, now it’s being burnt to ashes.
Grandma in the 60’s/70’s
How to be a thief and an idiot at the same time.
What cheat code for a game is burned into your brain?
It’s not a question of which one you prefer to play (6v6 or 5v5)
6v6 is so much less stresfull
6v6 is a lot of fun. Feels more fair than 5v5
Is taking Ambien really “that bad”?
Big Brain Move
What’s the longest gaming session you’ve ever had, and what were you playing?
To be 6’3”
Boyfriend keeps getting hard?
Me (21M) and GF’s (21F) incompatible sex drives. What can I do about it?
What profession was once highly respected, but is now a complete joke?