Hold Me Now - Thompson Twins
I love how Sims 3 feels so *alive*, if that makes sense. Always something going on in the gorgeous open world, filled with townies that have different personalities and looks. This game holds a special place in my heart <3
When your almost-millionaire mother throws a gift giving party and you receive the Rainbow Light as your present
Stumbled upon a guy in my hometown who claims he’s an underground tattoo artist lol
Makin my way downtown, walkin fast, flabbergast, and I'm crib bound
Speaking of Malcolm, here’s my updated version of him:
This zombie showed up and just ????
Here is Leighton Sekemoto's son due to Story Progression in my Sunset Valley save file (I play as a different family, not his). I did not have to tweak his looks or outfit AT ALL!! I cannot remember who his mom is, though 🤔
If Amber's life was ever made into a show or cartoon, what would you call it?
This random townie has the strangest look lol
This is crazy y’all 💀
Randomly looking through the streets of Sunset Valley, and I see that Dorie Hart has ditched the pigtails and changed her shirt; pls don't mess with this insane queen, she is on a mission 💅🏻
I scrolled upon this and thought it was fitting for miss gorl 💅🏼🥂👄
Amberlynn being 'that girl' at work.
It's as if she never left the Spiral.
you can't make this shit up
New TT
an adventure in 4 parts
I didn't believe in gnomes or related cryptids until I saw one a few days ago in a National Forest.
bitch what is that 😭😭
Had a hunch to thrift and so glad I did <3
This terrified me, look at the arms on this child
June has officially won custody of Kaitlyn
be honest guys, who was groomed on this game as a kid?💀just me?