One of my special interests is Mario Kart 8 and I spent a lot of time on it! What games do you guys play everyday for hours?
I think americas greatly underestimate how much Canadians love being Canadian.
fuck you I fixed it
Why do old neurotypicals hate joy and whimsy so much 😭
I hate dogs so much
I hate how normalised this generalisation has become.
for all my autistic people with female out there
What American Universities give good financial aid, aren't extremely selective but are in a walkable area with good public transit?
Why do some folks think that N is a Fem-boy? (I DEMAND ANSWERS!)
When people say that it’s “gay” for guys to show emotion or hug another guy.
what characters makes you feel this way?
How Stereotypical Are My Interests
I “crashed out” in public because of ABA, and my mom still thinks it’s a reason to keep me in ABA.
Where do they pronounce Ms. as Mizz?
How do I apologize without sounding ungenuine?
Women complains about a proposal in Virginia that would remove religious exemptions for homeschooling parents to report educational progress.
College board’s depiction of autism lol
[Mod] Twitter/X links are now banned in posts
Want to use “Trolly Buses”🚍
Most tragic MD character?
Far right correlation?
We hating out here! What is a piece of MD fanart that you don’t like/hate?
How are you guys reacting to the Tiktok ban message.
why does almost nobody talk about the neurotypicals says that the younger generation is in danger but they only say it because they find gringe that they see a happy autistic child, I feel I am the only one who notices this.