Is he being for real right now 💀?
hasan throws shade
hasan discusses the end of his friendship with ethan and ethan’s hypocrisy and invites him to have a real conversation
yea queen sometimes i spell my own name wrong too
Dan called Destiny a pedo defender. Strangely Destiny didn't say much about that. AB didn't even call Destiny out directly but gets so much more shit from the guy. Why do you guys think that is?
Ethan thinks he “made” Trisha
Oh mother is coming for that Grammy
Ok so we’re just these full length daily black nail polish included ode-to-Hasan fit checks now
He looks so evil and vindictive
don’t think anything needs to be said with this…
Poor innocent victim Ethan's new Instagram stories 🥺
Pre Buttoned clip - Ethan's fail attempt to celebrate Trisha's dream and censoring himself
Ethan says he should apologize to Trisha for taking her SNL spotlight
prediction: he won’t let trish have her flowers
ethan makes it awkward and terrible on h3 show #89
Sam Seder & Matt Lech respond to Ethan
He thinks about hasan so much
AB shades Lonerbox while streaming Israel/Palestine content on Twitch
Hasan reacts to Strauss selling their stake in Sabra hummus and makes fun of Ethan
Zach liking a post saying the ICCs decision was a real crime
Emma from the Majority Report & a caller discuss Ethan's Hasan-Osama comparison
Champion of free speech and fair use!
Try Guys discuss being invited on the pod and Ethan’s treatment of anti-zionists
Dan Saltman has been banned on twitch. Lol.
Me when I'm a frog: