I’ve been a chronic cocaine user for 6 years and stopped cold turkey once i found out i’m pregnant
Can i just stop taking testosterone whenever i want?
I think i’m genderfluid instead of transmasc and I have doubts about continuing testosterone
is this normal?
My therapist insisted facial fat redistribution isn't a thing
vaping and testosterone
Where to start with Testosterone hrt
Is it okay if I forgot to put air in the plunger to get rid of the vacuum before drawing up?
I forgot to get rid of the vacuum in my plunger before doing my injection and this happened, is this fine?
one month on T, how well do i pass? any tips?
A random man was confused as to why i was going into the women’s bathroom (i’m transmasc)
new psychiatrist called me “miss”
Is it okay if i accidentally do a little less than my t dose?
Binders for short torso
Is is okay if my hands shake a lot during my injection?
just did my first T injection
what do you think my age is? do i pass okay?
Got my first transphobic comment on tiktok
Getting my first T shot soon
Short male celebrities/artists
What are some underrated kpop groups
Support groups for parents of adult transgender children
Finally... 🥹
Alcohol and taking testosterone