I heard this one is SUPER RARE. Got it as a world drop from Tom & Xam.
Westbury 9 am update
Is there an issue going on with PC where the game just completely freezes for like 5-10 seconds?
Performance issue after the last update? (season 2 og)
My game won't stop lagging
Is my PC too weak?
Pretty good match if I don't say so myself
Xbox Store PC Gamepass Version Issues?
Potential fix for stuttering
Is anyone else getting framerate drops every 5-10 seconds?
This is awful.
Hey, Activision, I don't give a fuck. Now add the option to non ranked too.
Anybody else really happy with Season 02 so far?
So maybe I’m crazy, but I don’t love the soulrender.
So why do you farm? Like why go through that torture?
So this dropped....
Just about to hit lvl 400, these are my stats so far
When you get your permanent unlocks what are ya'll using yours for?!
Aimbot/walls ?
Semtex Kill(s) of the week?
Trash Talk Allowed??
You're telling me I have to press continue 850 more times 💀💀💀
help with my low fps please?