Harvey Barnes
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How did you tear your acl?
ACL Surgery Remorse?
Questions on life without an ACL
Live issues
London Stadium Concert in June 2025
Has anyone had a presale code yet?
Surgery in two weeks but I feel 100% normal
Who do people think AWARDS SEASON is about?
New album or just EP?
Graft Question
Which graft has the easiest recovery?
Pain first time playing football (soccer) after surgery
are there any songs about loneliness?
Is it safe to use phone holders in London?
So I asked AI to create an image of every NRL team, here are the results.
NUFC Women player Anna Soulsby selling away tickets for more than double the regular price. Shocking imo.
How often do you get your bike serviced and how much do you pay?
'Psychopath' murderer and rapist dies behind bars while being considered for release
Indoor plant - need help reviving (UK)
Premier League showers MPs with hospitality tickets ahead of football regulator vote
Incredibly anxious about bikejackings in London?