Favourite Fasting length?
Heart palpitations when I fast
Is gallstone really a thing?
Wife and I have been doing a ‘Give Thanks’ fast since Sunday. Almost time to eat! No turkey for me, i slow cooked an Italian seasoned tri-tip 🥩🥩🥩
My 3rd attempt at extended fasting: 104 hours
Checking In! Day 12/28
Finished my longest fast #newrecord
5 months progress
If I have bone broth in the middle of a fast, do they count as two separate fasts now?
How to prevent this...
From 345 to 185... Holy Crap!!!!!
Decided to break my 42 day fast this morning 40.5 days in.
My fasting group was just banned for violent content.
Subreddit ban appeal?
From 212-143lbs: 2 year journey
Good for your kidneys
GUYS why did 3 TIMES the weight just sleeping for 2 weeks than when i went hard in the gym 4 times a week???
50 day water fast done!
Day 30/40
i'm really big, i tried IF in the past and only had marginal success. how would you go about starting longer fasts?
Confused about electrolytes
Fell short of 60 day goal but happy with 37
Farting and “black goo” at 20 days?
Fat loss vs muscle wasting?