Help me adjust my dark angel list for local tournament.
Is krieg box over produced?
Rate my DK gladius list which I don't really know what to add...
Why lot of people start adding outrider ?
Suggestions on what next miniatures to get for my DA army?
Rate my first army
Accidentally (not really) use primer spray in my small apartment. What should I do?
3 weeks of painting terminators later
How do Dark Angels Play?
Hi new player . I was wondering What kind of dreadnougts and tanks are good for an inner circle detachment army
Is yhis correct color for deathwing ?
First squad done!
Does Hellblaster get sustain from Azrael if they died and shoot
How to use Lion ' s sweep profile effectly?
Is Lion worth putting in comp list?
1000 point Suggestions
As custodes player what do u guys fear the most?
Is Vindicator coming to legend soon?
is this a good way to start astra militarum
Buying my 1st tank, which one is it ?
How do you deal with custodes as DA?
The best box to buy to start this army.
The lion or 5 DK
Anybody else use terminators just cause they’re cool?
Is ICC in DA good?