How to determine its gender?
How to catch redfish and flounder
Wisconsin Tavern Style with “Double” Mushrooms, sausage, pepperoni, peppers and onions; and a sun drop
The degree of refraction makes it look like his head is separated from his body
Where has the limoncello flavor gone?
What the hell Is this
Does transferring data from ps4 to ps5 drain data
What are you hitting?
Fuzzy car? absolutely not
You are given $10 million dollars but for the rest of your life, every transaction you make must be publicly posted on a website for everyone to see. Do you take it?
Whatcha grabbing from this truck stop in Texas?
The vending machine in front of my local store.
A Cool Guide on How to Read Guitar Tabs
of a sweet potato
[request] assuming a constant stream of urine, how long would it take to erode the tower’s foundation enough for it to collapse?
"Way too many people are urinating on [the] Tower at any given moment to arrest them all."
Kitten loves the tunas
What can I make with these sausages? I picked them up on a whim out of curiosity. Anybody have any good suggestions?
What are your favourite profanity alternatives?
Commenter claims I slowed this video down by 25% to make the waves look bigger!
Burned to hell last week, stabbed myself in the hand tonight with a wine key.
Hidden (literally) Gem in Philly
Does anyone remember these tricolored chips?
I just want nitrile gloves again damnit.
🔥This pulsating mass is the Queen Termite. Hidden deep in the colony chambers, she lays thousands of eggs per day and can live up to 30 years.
Table sent me flowers.