Help me find lover lay down video
Afternoon tea, done by Yanyee, Gentle Tattoo studio in Hong Kong
Can I restart my LCSW from scratch?
Saw this guy in the river
Is this just a pretty weed?
I work at target, of course I….. (tik tok trend)
Immediately thought of the front bottoms
“hey baby. uhh, it’s me.”
Which ETM in it has Will Witwer at the end feeding his dog dessert?
Saw this on the Animal Crossing subreddit and thought of you guys
What’s the biggest drama, scandal, or gossip that has happened at your store?
Maybe this is just me
Sometimes there’s such a good meme but I have no one to show
Please never comment on my body. Thank you
How has your relationship with your mother, or maternal figure in your life changed as you’ve gotten older?
Help. I’m ready to track and get skinni
Can people just stop talking about this kind of stuff around me? Please?
I’m so jealous of people with small rib cages. Even if I lost all the weight on my body I’d still be so wide
Maybe tomorrow
I remember when I first heard this in a YouTube video. I’ll never forget. I’ll never be the same
idk if this is relatable 😁
Please tell me who gave gym teachers the authority to weigh children every year in front of each other and send home letters if the child is “over weight”. THEN teach the BMI scale in health
Actual photo of my relationship
What is my obsession with taking pictures of myself? I always look the same, gross.
Me trying to explain to my boyfriend that I gained weight and now I don't deserve to eat breakfast lunch or snacks