Anyone know the font used for these menus? Specifically for the titles and the description.
Qwertykeys Giveaway: A QK80MK2 Kit with Random Configuration
Giveaway] $100 PSN Gift Card - US Store
Completely Objective Umineko Tierlist
Can an ISP delete files off a computer?
Question about softbans
Buddhism rule
[TOMT] There is an urban phrase that refers to two people walking down a sidewalk next to each other and they momentarily split to avoid hitting a street sign. Anyone familiar know what it might be?
Since humans are 60% water, we are 60% related to snowmen
Some Baki references in Warugaki's Touhou x Baki doujin manga "What If Pickle and Eirin Had Known Each Other Since the Cretaceous Period" (Comparison)
What's your favorite Pickle fight and why?
Machine in the Walls
What would happen if someone swallowed a pill that contained 1 million calories.
Know of any good surreal maps?
Fans spinning quickly and monitor won't display
If 100% of the water in a human body were to disappear instantly, what exactly would happen?
The Krabby Patty Secret Formula
Paula Curtney and her Stand, 『FUTURE GAMES』 is able to send warnings to the past.
Carousel and his Stand, 「Witch Image」 are able to force their targets to perceive false environments. (More in Description)