Almost Done! Dry brined 24 hours. Best wings on Earth.
My 22 civic horn sounds like “ uhm excuse me watch where you are going 🙄” I want it to sound like “ mooove b get outta way”
This coffee…
It's been over 5 months now, can they please update their icons for dark mode?
ELI5: my nose keeps cancelling sneezes
Family Grocery Indian /Bangledeshi food
V60 owners, why did you buy a different brewer?
Women in OE?
My coffee selection in 2024
Botz coffee sold out in 3 minutes
empirical water GIVEAWAY: Brew 128 cups of coffee with the complete bundle!
Struggling to get a flavorful non acidic cup
Latest batch. Big one for the family, smaller ones to share. First time using seeds as well.
Why is my camera roll mostly black?
How do I unlock the jet boost class in br
Anyone use a stand mixer?
Century ride
My phone has this triangle with a exclamation mark inside
What's your 2023 Coffee Wrapped?
Kick ash can clearance
Any recommendations on which whetstone to buy? Beginner/Budget
Estate Sale to Remember Part 2
Who would live longer? A person who smokes cigarettes, but exercises every day. Or, a person that never smokes, but never exercises.
Rolled the dice on a classic III at a online auction, got a banging deal
When riding solo on a 2-3 hour ride I typically average 27km/h. Looking to join a group and trying to figure out if I'll be able to hang with a 32hm/h group if I'm only taking occasional turns on the front. How much faster will I be able to ride in a group vs. solo?