The Riviera of the Middle East
This can arguably considered to be in everyone top 3 Star Wars movie so what is one critique you have of the movie?
I don’t have a tv and don’t watch series or films
How does your significant other react to your creations?
Creek Crossing
Why does nobody name their chapters anymore?
Er støtten til Ukraine det værd? Skal vi skrue ned?
Skate, work, family, life balance [38yo]
About transparent grip tapes [38YO]
How long did it take for your book to take off?
Relearned Indy 5’s [56YO]
18x24 inch landscape in oil paint by me heavily inspired by the LOTR universe
Do non asians usually eat food with rice?
Skal jeg fortælle min veninde at hun lugter?
Er der andre, der opsiger deres abonnementer på amerikanske tjenester?
Shy don’t rucking backpacks have hip belts?
15-årig pige sigtet for bedrageri efter snyd med bland-selv-slik
How well did your first book do?
Can we all agree that the raptor pen in JP1 was way too small for agile and intelligent carnivores? No wonder they went nuts in there
Uheldig påklædning/wardrobe malfunction
Should you write without editing first? How do you go about it?
HELP I cant get my ollie’s to stay straight
Inklusion 1.0 i skolen gik galt. Nu er organisationer lamslået over, at der kommer en 2´er
Curious about the first and last Tyrannosaurus rex