VFS - Dr. Katherine Yung in SF
does Canada accept lgbt asylum from the US?
passport status after trump inauguration
US Law Update as of 1/31
(Urgent) Genioplasty Revision Method
Offering: Arabic seeking: English
Offering : Egyptian Arabic (native), Seeking English
Offering :Arabic seeking :English
offering: Arabic(native), seeking: English.
Offering arabic seeking english
Offering: American English, Seeking: Arabic
Would you say my body passes?
If I make 0 effort, do I still read as female?
Almost finished my laser hair removal, do I pass?
I've been in HRT for a while. Do I look somewhat feminine without makeup?
How do you read me? Gender and age
Start hrt in a week, is there hope for me?
What would you say was the tipping point in your transition where straight guys became attracted to you?
5 Years Later - Dr. Satterwhite
My new years resolution is to find a way to stop being called a man by my customers.
Do any other gay muslim bros fantasise about religious stuff that's really bad and taboo?
3.5 years on HRT how am I doing?
Important Question, AP Physics C
So you got the interview, now what? [Advice/Q&A thread]
Did anyone here work interesting/adventurous non-medical jobs (peace corps, wild land firefighting, farmhand, etc.) before applying to medical school?