buying an AC!
buying a washing machine!
looking to buy some darjeeling tea and souvenirs for my friends from darjeeling.
How's your solo trekking experience
buying a geyser
Tala Prottoy
good time to buy?
Shirt collection so far
Claim login bonus on 9/11/2024 to not loose your account
what the hell?
7/11 NC
7/11 potw
Two of my favorite cards atm. Let me know which cards you're currently enjoying
7/8 Spanish league pack
Nostalgia for culers πβ€οΈ
I'm uninstalling this game!!
6/27 packs
Nothing to get hyped about this card!
POTW 20/6
looking for comfortable white casual sneakers. budget ~2k
New Show Time players with the skill :Phenomenal Pass
Help me choose..what are your thoughts??
POTW 30 May '24: Mimo's Analysis
wHo iS bEttEr?