AITA for making food for everyone but my younger sister?
What is epi and why does every medical show say to give epi to almost everyone who enters the er?
Why are Italians so ridiculous about food?
Which wrestler is Decent in-ring but great on the mic?
Why do some folks have a revulsion to others' culinary preferences?
People correcting others on food names that mean the same thing is stupid.
how many hours do you spend on taking pictures
Kima, the Devil and the Angel
18F, Should I move away?
What is it called when you’re hungry but just won’t get up and eat?
Anyone else enjoy this episode?
You are offered $50 million, but with one catch: your age is randomly set anywhere between 18 and 90 years old upon accepting the money.
Why is it taboo for people to live with their parents forever?
How do y'all eat your pasta?
What is something you are craving rn?
for the chip lovers
If you could live in the world of any cartoon/show, which would you choose?
What would you do if your significant other…?
What is epi and why does every medical show say to give epi to almost everyone who enters the er
What is the most disgusting thing you've seen a person do?
Rainy orchids are the worst resource in the game.
I Dream of Genie episode
AITA for refusing to walk at graduation, attend my graduation party, or go on a graduation trip?
I have a mouse