If Miley Cyrus was born in England...
Ruby is slightly cute?
Looking for a movie about a complete “average Joe” who…
May the new year bring you the girlfriends your wife thinks you have,
People said to Beethoven he would never make it
Cleaning out the basement and found a gem concert shirt and a mixtape circa 92-94
A man repairing the antenna on the World Trade Center, NYC, 1979.
🔥 Elephants helping themselves to oranges from a broken down truck in South Africa
A mate asked me if I'd shag Keira Knightley.
Songs that make you imagine you are somewhere deep in space, gazing up into the stars
Beastie Boys - Sabotage
Edge Songs That You Think Most Belong in the 80’s
What did the Chemistry book say to the Math book?
Night time in a big city
Neo-noir movies that actually feel like noir
What movies do you think have the best cinematography ever?
Where do stormtroopers do their shopping?
Best movies to watch while stoned/high
Sci-Fi/apocalypse movie recs
Micro pie to test the steel
favorite 90s covers of 70s songs?
What is your favorite 90s Alternative song that starts with the letter R?
What is your favorite 90s Alternative song that starts with the letter M?
What is your favorite 90s Alternative song that starts with the letter L?
Favorite Industrial bands?