Subreddit for people who feel like pathetic failures
Does anybody else have online social anxiety?
never had a valentine anytime in my life is it normal?
i (21f) can’t live anymore
26 Male Virgin
im terrified of time passing and ageing
I still have a teddy bear and I'm a guy
(LES) Why wasn’t Sue Storm black in Fant4stic?
The more time passes, the sadder it is that I haven't killed myself
fortunately it pretty much never happens
During what I would like to say was the darkest time of my life— but who am I kidding; it was all dark— this was my mood.
God help me
Me when my mom tells me I have no friends because I am "lazy," but when I try to be social I am ignored or too awkward 9/10 times.
I don't get it people say don't blame yourself but I don't see how I can not blame myself
i can't take it any more
Friends. How many of us have them?
i hate the passage of time so much
It's been so long I had friends it's like I never had any at all
I hate my life but I am too used to it now
There's nothing that can alleviate the pain
The envy is making me a worse person