Balatro on a crt, no filters needed!
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CRT monitor keeps disconnecting and connecting
Slider not working on kamvas pro 16 pro and windows ink issues
Started cd collecting a couple of months ago, thoughts?
Want to buy a laptop for my sister but don’t know what to look for
One of my fav electropop albums struck me as very "frutiger aero-like" and I wanted to share it!
Hylics 2 on a crt MONITOR
Hylics 2 on a crt (green band only shows up on camera)
Having trouble with usbloadergx
Found a relatively rare game on ebay but it has a crack on the top of the disc, is that fine?
Should I buy the original ff7?
Anyone know a good place to get the night combat shin godzilla figure?
first post here and its fanart! I really love these little games
Please dump your favorite access codes here ❤️
Some doodles me and my friend did in some roblox drawing game of all things (shotty quality lol)
What is the best level in the game and why is it Crust Cove?
When does YIIK IV come out
Bit of yiiking out
bit of yiiking out...maybe a little bit of kissing some blonde twinks as well..
heres my bio