I like a guy who (sort of) cheated on his girlfriend
lippie collection as a 20 yr old reckless spender
I am exhausted by our country's beggar problem. They are too comfortable harassing people.
I cannot decide what time to wake up
Was excited about studying a course at a prestigious uni until my friend called it desperate
Got told that I might seem desperate for wanting to attend a class at a prestigious college
Was feeling great about getting to attend a class at a prestigious college until my friend called it desperate
Books similar to Ann Liang books!!!
Please share your absolute best advice that changed your life for the better!
ECA Creative Writing cut off
Did anyone get a seat under ECA creative writing English?
Mid-entry vacancy matrix
If category seats remain empty during mid-entry, are they given to UR?
ECA marks enough?
there's no change at all?
the edging is insane ngl
ECA & spot round
ECA and spot round
Missed allocation acceptance deadline
Missed the allocation acceptance deadline
What to do when a guy you like keeps giving you mixed signals?