Why is he not turning into a ball
Mormon lgbtq support only goes so far
My [28M] husband cheated on me [27F] and I understand why. Can we make this work?
My sim spent her whole life trying to resurrect her husband only for the Book of Life to NOT WORK
I need recommendations pls ;-;
My (31M) husband (29M) and our daughter's mother (31F) decided to overrule my decision and gifted our daughter a book set I don't approve. How do I go about this without it ending up in a three-way fight?
Am I being unreasonable about my expectations of progress? (details below)
Romance isn't dead after all
Tiny worms in my plant soil.
Had a Dream Where I Drove to Arby's, and They Wouldn't Give Me My Food Because I'm "Too Evil"
I had a dream where I had a rare disease, so I had to get heart, lungs, liver and kidneys transplants to treat it. They made a Tetris and cleared everything I had inside me
Plumbob check! What color is yours today?
What do y'all do with your heirs siblings?
Is it fair of me (21F) not to want to "try again" with my ex bf (27M) solely because of our sex life?
Help me ID this weird little jelly! Southern Oregon
Movies to make 11 year old cry
Did you leave "THE CHURCH" because you wanted to sin?
"Badly shaped knees..."
Which yarn holder do you prefer while crocheting if you use one? I added 5 different kinds and would love some opinions
Ethicality of porn?
First Time Deadlifting 115lbs
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Found a washed up mermaids purse with a shark embryo in it!!!
Movies you thought you would enjoy but couldn’t even finish?