What episode in your opinion deserves the same hype as “Connection lost” ?
I hate how Dunphy family treated Alex in this episode
What is something that Sheldon did that made you upset or annoyed
Never really watched the show but I’ve been told several times that I’m like Phil. Is that a good thing?
I’m pretty introverted and I need some help
New favorite Holt quote
Ed and Aubrey Appreciation Post
Recommendations for shows that you like just as much as Modern Family
Best Clair quotes?
Who can fairly beat you up if deserved?
Who can fairly beat you up and will?
Jake and Amy ♥️
IYO - what’s the funniest episode?
INTJs, if you could go to any country (or place) in the world, where would it be, and why?
Rachel once said:
What's the best comeback that you can think of from the show?
Why didn’t Boyle invite Rosa to his wedding?
Sexiest Phil ever looked
Treat the comment section as Manny Delgado’s search history 🔎
what’s your favourite celebrity cameo?
What's an opinion of yours that would make the sub go like this
What episode or scene made you cry the most.
What’s one episode you can always watch and never get tired of?
Most Unwatchable Guest Characters