We noticed the boy has a smiley face on his paw! 💚
Definitely a fan of the heated blanket ..
Lumi wants to know if you have worms for her pls. Also what morph is she?
The moron says hi 😊
Ready for winter...
I love this little idiot...
What color is my gecko?
Think he wanted to say hello...
"and what do you call this!?"
Everyone meet Gerry...
Just setup my p1s. What did yall name your machines?
How photogenic is your fur baby?😍
Lionel mönch.. went to see the boi today
Lionel spam time...
Since we liked lionel previously, here's a few more of my favourite landseal/hippo..
Closer to a land seal.. Still allowed?
On a bit a role with the hobby... moar gofasterbois!
Angrypigboi done!
killrig completed...FINALLY
completed killrig!
'ice cream' cake for partner's birthday, she loved it!
Looted rhino I'm working on...
He doesn't care if you've been naughty or nice... he just wants the dakka! WiP sant-ork! Happy Xmas you gitz!
It's Waaaaghmas!
Completed meganobz!