Living in navy yard apartments (the collective, novel, etc.)
ms paint drawings dump (oc)
DIY Pysduck tote bags (OC)
2 MS Paint drawings i've done recently
Which fictional character do you think would definitely have an OnlyFans?
What internet video, when uncovered 100 years in the future, will make historians say "what the fuck?"
Which celebrity can we all agree is attractive?
*internally pogchamps*
Updated art done by my friend:)
Actual lego star wars obi-wan and art my friend made
Get Kenobi to the high ground!
Prequel dump for my cake day.
Great Christmas card I got from my friend
If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine
got to get to y-level 11 for the diamonds
A true Star Wars fan's spotify listens
Someone offers you $100/hr to watch any movie on repeat, which movie do you choose?
Screw politics I just want some good ole bbq brisket
Ewan mcgregor obi wan
Keep scrolling past this cringe soldiers
What a legend
Obi-Wan liners back at it