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Vaccine Questions
In real life, I'm a very live and let live person. In rust, I'll cover the hills outside your base with 245 landmines because you built too close to me.
is yoyochinese a good start for learning and continuing mandarin onto an intermediate level?
What Would Get You Guys to Play Hardcore Wow?
Vaping Damiana?
Go buy yourself a lottery ticket, buddy
discovering my accent isn't "neutral"
Anyone know what the heck this is for? It came in a baby gift basket.
Working out without creatine... Waste of time or good idea?
Built my son's first PC for a Christmas present
Am I going crazy? Games have been extremely weird and unsatisfying to play
[Request] How long it would take a flight from California to New York in this scenario?
Why is Gen Z aging so fast/aging like milk?
Pay2Win skin ?
Rank 1 at 17 Years Old ~ [AMA]
I just realized Yuumi literally means You/Me
So you are in Iron IV?
Why is it that when I have target champions on and use my A key to auto attack, I will still attack minions
Ervaringen met midlance contracten
Question, holding down ability
I used DMT for the first time today, but only felt like I had shroom trip visuals without the introspection. What am I doing wrong?
Sitting behind the one person who wants to stand at a concert
Carrefour club card