CC3 cover
Lidia’s Silver Torque Necklace in CC2
bryce and hunt
book tour for cc3?
I don’t understand how this will go down in cc3…
my HOFAS bingo board (so far)
11th grader looking at colleges with figure skating or near a rink
I have thoughts about Jesiba + ToG + CC + ACOTAR Genealogy
STAN Day and Night… (**spoiler**)
All HOFAS exclusive scenes and their descriptions (HOFAS spoilers)
new skate advice
New skates!! (replacing 4 y/o skates, first new pair ever)
Vanderbilt University Early Megathread
do colleges REALLY take “demonstrated interest” into consideration?
Honor council is one of my reasons
senior ap scores
Drop where you'll be committing next year!
Don’t hate me, but why is the adult skating community so weird/unnecessarily intense?
Make me love Denison
Vanderbilt's New Logo
Where are A2Cers committing to?
Is it too late for me?