After losing my mom, being broken up with, battling depression for many months, and dropping out of college, I finally got my first real job.
So this happened today...
Sandra Johnsen Hughes, 54, missing in Sierra National Forest since June 26th
AITA for cutting off a sibling who handed me a sick dog and refused to provide any financial support.
Store closed - Denied refund
AIO: Nail tech labels me “no show” 15 mins before my appointment
AIO, dude called me unkind for not contacting him for a day while grieving
My friend throws away their ceramic plates instead of washing them
How to get rid of this. Every time I turn off the WiFi this message pop up I hate it
My housemate is convinced my glasses are hers
AIO? Bf says these messages are his friend using his phone. I dumped him and left. 5 months later he’s still contacting me daily telling me it wasn’t him and I’m his soul mate. Do you think he cheated? Am I overreacting?
AIO to my mom inviting us over with our baby when she knew she was sick without telling us, days after telling us to be mindful of getting my dad sick?
What you see when you click on the HIV Data link on the CDC’s website.
Help with cleaning a plaque?
Drama in the building last week
Someone left an anonymous note on my car about my Trans Lives Matter sticker 🥺
I need help! My son (11) randomly developed these bumps! Doctor sent us to dermatologist. No answers or treatment any guesses?
Is it okay for traveling sandiego without a car?
This is a first, this man sent me a LONG list of requirements he has of a woman…
AIO for being creeped out by a guy I hadn’t talked to since I was 5 pledging is loyalty to me?
I lost my cat to a freak accident and I can't move on
I got this on both sides 😭
How does this look?
Barn owl I saw on a night walk, my phone camera isn’t the greatest sadly.