4.5k haul to Ireland
About to start painting
Red Plague Marines?!?
Can someone tell me what this is?
Time to destroy this mountain of woe. What do I keep (that can be built in a year) for the most variety?
C & C be appreciated
wtf do i do?
i hope someone reproduces these yeezy pods bc they would be so easy :,(
New loop and corsair pump with a touch of orange
[GIVEAWAY] Free Indie Games for r/pcmasterrace
I made some Lego Necrons
Which would it be?
It's also a faster card
How my brother “collects” expensive Lego Minifigures
Mortarion proxy I painted for a friend
Try me. I will upload the finale image when its done.
First Model Update
How to base?
Hello kitty loves baking cookies and spreading nurgles gift
Papa nurgle loves everyone right?
Thoughts? could this be the new yeezy slide?
Need Advice: Should I Start Collecting Death Guard or World Eaters?
I ordered a ryzen 5 5600 and got this?? Where in the barnacles is it
Blood angels or Ultramarines?!
Advice for fixing a broken set