WW2 German Hi Power Holster w/ Insignia
Thoughts on the avi lether b3 bomber?
Secondo me la laurea in medicina non servirà più a niente fra 10 anni
Reenactment hack: make your own shaving kit!
Used plastic cleaner to remove fungus
GIORNO 10. Il grigio va a Milano. Qual è la città nera italiana?
What do we want to see from the next battlefield?
I say that Mackensen was the most successful general of WW1. Convince me I'm wrong.
what's the cheapest site to buy WW1 british uniforms?
I live in fear of disappointing this man. I will forever side with Ward for every playthrough because I want to make him proud
German DKE 38 propaganda radio
If you could live in one location from a „Ghibli“ movie?
Name this Game
Astrophotography on medium format film
I have this adrian helmet from italian army ww1 can someone tell me what regiment it is? bc i cant found the “drawing” on it thx
Do you think they will add italian troops any soon?
Dream typewriter?
My own feldmutze made by me
Recent Additions to My German Militaria Collection
What is this?
Name a better duo
I have no idea of who to ask so owners of original b3 jackets help me
Is there a term for this burn on the first frame?
Any other teens that want to go on a road trip cause of this game?
Artyoms Radio