Talking voice
Why is the government cracking down way more on far-right groups then they are far left groups ?
What words are your toddlers mispronouncing rudely?
Who is your favourite female solo artist (after Tori of course)?
Songs that evoke other artists?
3.5 yo has multiple, severely intense meltdowns per day
When did your baby stand and walk unassisted?
Almost 3 and the tantrums are driving me nuts. I sincerely don’t know how or what to do in this.
Is this normal threenager behaviour?
IT'S RAINING - amazing
What’s your Top 5 favorite songs?
Cloud icons when choosing next song
R/toddlers sub gets taken over by actual toddlers. What are the most upvoted posts?
"UPS initiated contact with the sender to obtain clearance information. Once received, UPS will submit for clearance."
AU - has anyone received their orders from black friday sales?
New music
Which song made u a Lana fan?
What is going on with the fallout surrounding MSNBC after the election?
Free audiobooks & other questions
What is the worst thing your toddler has had in the mouth?
please tell me about your toddlers that went from zero words to successful talkers
Worst tooth to cut for your toddler?
LWEX? Experiences? Legit or potential scam?
“ You’re gonna miss this age”