Should I cancel my family's trip to Montreal in the summer?
Pregnant with second, toddler in "daddy only" phase
What was your parenting delusion you had before having kids?
11’x11’ island! Massive or not?
At what point is it worth going with random brands vs the big japanese brands (fujitsu, mitsubishi) for heat pumps?
Why are people buying homes instead of building with how insane everything is right now?
What would you name triplet girls?
How do single parents handle being sick with a toddler who doesn’t watch TV
How are your little dictators going today?
Thoughts on making playtime more fun for us as adults?
Today on “Sentences You never thought you or your partner would say…
Not doing enough - not sure my baby sees me as Mom...
How is ANYONE affording art??
It takes me forever to get ready in the morning and I still look like a$$
Should we buy a house right now?
FTHB - Everything We Learned
Ideas for how to keep a 2 year old occupied on a 3 hour flight? 🙏
Where would you go for your 10th Anniversary Dinner?
Trying to plan anniversary with a newborn??
What’s the word you use when your toddler is being …. Challenging
This is not Working.
Suggest me a book that made you laugh out loud (not by David Sedaris, Terry Pratchett or Douglas Adams)
What did you forget to clarify to your toddler. I forgot to clarify that it’ll snow more than once during winter.
Anyone else have a very sleepy baby after their two month vaccines?
What has your toddler gotten upset about today?