This is exactly the type of item I wouldn't want to see in PoE2. They put the power ceiling too high. What is your opinion?
POE 1, The game where you can have a whole ascendancy on a pair of boots.
Could you use cosmetics on multiple characters at the same time before POE2 or why are they starting to complain about this now?
Why is this even in the game? Who makes these design decisions?
Was this added after skibidi or before, lmao.
Questions about a big passive skill tree node
The duality of exiles
We need a surrender vote option in dota2 ranked.
Bro forgot he’s live.
Yellow card?
T16 map sustain?
I hate the skill gem system.
Broodmother vs Earthshaker Highlights
White Bell Peppers
The training of an elder Russian 'supersoldier' with the call sign 'Biden.' He doesn’t even know which way to hold a rifle or what a magazine is, yet he’s already ready for a meatwave assault
Dota 2 Workshop Spring 2025 Call-to-Arms
Einhar is Crowbell?
I didn't think this was possible
Merak Akşener CB Yardımcısı??
1 günlük millî yas ilan edildi.
Which atlas nodes has the most value and must have?
Map Stash is Sorely Needed...
Zafer Partisi Genel Başkan Yardımcısı Ali Dinçer Çolak: “Genel Başkanımız Ümit Özdağ’ın dosyası ‘terör savcılığına’ teslim edildi. Soruşturmaya gizlilik kararı alındı.”
Because of Nest of Thorns, I get excited when I find Specialist's Array in matches.
How would you fix warrior's defence?
Are my stats too low for my level? Lvl 75 WH Granades Merc - Should I dump armour?
Why does Imperia have the same victory animation as Shen in the one team with Skywrath Mage?
This post from 6y ago is still pretty relevant all these years later