После сокращения финансирования климатических афер академики заявляют, что хотят заняться настоящей наукой: «Что, если CO₂ не является настоящей проблемой?»
With their climate scam funding getting cut off, academics are now saying they want to do some actual science
Constantine Simonides was one of the most versatile forgers of the nineteenth century
On this day 80 years ago, the Auschwitz concentration camp in Poland was liberated by Soviet troops
Exactly 12 years ago Aaron Swartz was found dead
The Ukraine biolabs conspiracy
Anachronisms and early editions of the Holy Bible
The major Christian holiday, which is the starting point for counting days in a year and years in an era, is approaching
Videos of Chinese actors that flooded social media 5 years ago. In these videos, people were allegedly falling in the streets because of a new disease
New declassified documents reveal CIA experiments on unsuspecting people to control their minds
The "last card" for conquering other countries would be a planned fake alien invasion
Why Rust and not C?
Terracotta Army of the Great Helmsman
Exactly 3 years ago, a conference dedicated to the Rust programming language was held in Moscow. The organisation of this conference demonstrated the secret lobbying of the Rust language by the US government.