Why do we start the game in the Fringefolk Hero’s Grave?
If you don’t immediately know what this is, you had no childhood
35 seconds and no views, Mark fell off
I need help finding an old video
Why tf is shock in the game
I’m new and want to get cool incantations
Which armor set is this?
Which area you hate the most? I'll start first..
2B or not 2B.
Guys, I’m sweating my _____ off.
A bunch of races I came up with
This year i will get my dick in a _____
[PS5] W: Quick mule H: runes, any weapon, most armor sets, will mule any size, ask
[PS5] W: As much exalted flesh as you can give (at least over 100) H: pretty much everything, ask (runes, any weapon, most armor sets, will mule any size, ask)
Rudolf the red _______ reindeer.
I like my toilet ____
Hey Ouija, I'm going to the store. What do you want?
write a "hello world" program in python
After death there is ____.
[PS5] W: Quick Mule H: mostly everything, ask
You can tell which birds are secretly cats in disguise
You can take a shit anywhere, at any time, in any situation, and no one will ever question it
You can fly at the speed of a slow walk, and it can only activate 1 foot off the ground.
Just gave the orphanage a ___
You can change when you’re gonna die by making it “right now”